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Powerlifting Training Tips
Powerlifting is a style of weight resistance training mainly involving lifts such as the deadlift, bench press, and squat. When performing any of these exercises, it requires proper knowledge of form and nutrition in order to take care of your body. These lifts can be very draining and straining on your muscles as well as your overall health, so it's ideal to take the necessary precautions when lifting. Here are some tips to help you progress in your powerlifting while staying safe:
Get Your Form Down Before Pushing Your Limits
It is so important to have your form and technique down prior to hitting really heavy weights in your lifts. Not doing so can lead to disaster, as you can hurt yourself. This can stop your training temporarily or even for good, so this is something you definitely have to keep in mind.
For most lifts, it is necessary to maintain that lumbar spine position for maximum power and safety.
Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Nutrition
You need to learn what your body requires nutritionally before a workout in order to reach the full potential when you lift. Think about it. Food is basically fuel for your body, so how can your body lift heavy weights if your tank is dry? By some simple testing and tracking of what you eat in a notebook, you can figure out what amounts of protein, fats, and carbohydrates are ideal for you pre-workout. You want to find that perfect zone for you.
Post workout nutrition is just as important. Why? When you're lifting heavy weights, especially with powerlifting, you are breaking down muscle. That's why your body needs to recover and replenish your muscles with food. Going back to the fuel analogy, this is your way of refueling your tank. Usually, for most people, post-workout meals can be pretty large compared to the rest of the meals in one’s day.
Don't Use Too Much Chalk When You Lift
Sure, chalk is perfect for adding more grip to your lifts, but be smart about it. You don’t want hands like Casper’s. Too much chalk my cause severe tearing the skin on your hands. This could lead to the delay training, slowing down of your powerlifting progress, and even could lead to infections of your skin.
Watch The Pros Do It
Professional powerlifters got to where they are for a reason. Check out their videos in YouTube, so you can study their movements, ask trainers and coaches for feedback on your studies, and come up with your own conclusions. It's your body that you have to listen to, not someone else's body. The better you get to know your body, the easier it will be to progress in powerlifting.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is beneficial to muscle gain, weight loss, and is just so crucial to maintaining your overall health.
These are just some basic powerlifting training tips that you can keep in mind. Keep training hard, smart, and consistent.
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