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Powerlifting Bench Press
Powerlifting Equipment
What Powerlifting Equipment Do You Need?
Powerlifting is a very serious sport, and as a result, you need to look into high-quality powerlifting equipment in order to break records in lifts and also prevent any injuries.
Squat Rack
The first piece of equipment that comes to mind is the squat rack. In weightlifting in general, a squat rack is multipurpose, but it's mainly for squads – normal back squats or front squats. You need something strong and stable enough to carry the weight appropriate for your training needs.
A bench is another necessary piece of powerlifting equipment, as you need a solid foundation when working on your bench press and chest muscles.
Olympic Barbell
For all powerlifting, a barbell is necessary – squatting, benching, and deadlifting. Especially in the deadlift, powerlifters can reach some crazy amounts of weight. Thus, one would need a bar that would be able to handle all that weight. The same premise applies to all other powerlifting.
Olympic Plates
You're going to need sturdy plates that will endure any possible dropping. You can get metal plates or even bumper plates so there is less impact if the barbell is dropped at the apex of a deadlift with a squatter has to dump the weight behind him during a challenging lift.
Deadlift Jack
In order to load and unload the barbell, you are going to need a deadlift jack. Especially when you are getting really high up in weight for the deadlift, you don't want to have to lift each side of the barbell just to add or remove weight. During this process, your back and legs are prone to injury, so this piece of powerlifting equipment is very beneficial and highly necessary.
Wrist Wraps
Wrist wraps provide comfort, support as well as flexibility when benching. As long as you are spending enough money on powerlifting equipment, you will easily be able to find high quality wrist wraps that are less restricting during the bench press movements.
Knee Wraps
Similar to her wrist wraps, knee wraps provide the necessary mobility and protection for the knees of hardcore squatters and professional powerlifters in general.
Powerlifting Belt
When you're hitting the heavy weights, you want to protect your back. While deadlifting or squatting, you want to maintain that proper form that protects your lumbar spine, and reach those records. That's where the powerlifting belt comes in to play. It will help prevent any injuries to your back.
These are just the basics on the powerlifting equipment you may need. There are other pieces of equipment you can look into, but for the bare necessities in training, definitely look into the equipment listed above.
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